Magic Nasal Strips Starter Kit

$14.95 $29.95

Better Breathing Starts Here

Nasal breathing is essential for optimal health and performance. Our strips help support each and every breath, whether you’re wearing it through a whole night’s sleep or your afternoon workout.

  • Reduce snoring - Our strips widen the nasal passages, allowing for better airflow and reducing the vibration of throat tissues that causes snoring
  • Get a better night sleep - By increasing airflow our strips help you improve oxygen intake, and prevent issues like dry mouth, leading to more restful and uninterrupted sleep.
  • Increase energy levels - By allowing the body to repair and recharge, leading to improved cognitive function, physical performance, and overall vitality throughout the day.
  • Comfortable - Made from flexible, hypoallergenic materials that gently adhere to the skin without causing irritation, allowing for a barely noticeable fit during sleep.

Magic Nasal Strips work by allowing you to breathe through your nose even at increased heart rates, unlocking a physiological process that helps your body build strength and increase resilience–even in the face of the most challenging training regimens. 

We know this sounds like too small of a change to make such a big difference, but we’re not the only ones who are getting behind nose breathing

Because you’re breathing more efficiently, you’ll be performing more efficiently, whether you’re a hardcore athlete or someone who just wants to give their body the best edge it can get.